Posted in Inspiration

The Importance of Gratitude

Hello friends. Today is a unique day for me. Today is the day I realized just how important it is to be grateful. The word is so full. I want to give a brief description of what it means to be to have gratitude before I dive into an example and give remarks.



      My personal definition for Gratitude is to be thankful for what you have and thankful for the situations you currently occupy. Google search engine defines gratitude as, the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciate for and to return kindness. Last, but not least, Merriam- Websters gratitude definition is, a feeling of appreciation or thanks. There are certainly more definition out there for Gratitude, but I want to give just enough so you all can get the gist of what it is to have Gratitude.


This morning I woke up to my oldest child asking for food. He wanted cereal, but we didn’t have any, so he asked for oat meal. I got up to make the oat meal, and since I love my children dearly, I decided to cut some strawberries up and put them on top. After all of his complaints this morning about being hungry, I assured him that the food was almost ready and that I added some strawberries. As I walked out of his room I hear “AAAWWW strawberries…” I quickly turned around and had a conversation with him about gratitude and how it is extremely important. I expressed to him how those around the world could only wish they had what we have. I also expressed to him how I would not allow him to eat until he found a better attitude. So, being the loving mother that I am, I made him and his brother separate their laundry while giving thanks for every item (including underwear). As I was in the kitchen I heard “thank you for the underwear; thank you for the shirt.” lol. I laughed to myself, but it was good medicine for the both of them. After about 7 minutes of this, both my boys finished the laundry and came out with different attitudes. Not only that, they both came to my room to tell me how they were thankful for the food and it was the best food yet! Wow! Gratitude is special.

Our lives are beautiful, so rich and full. We are blessed with luxuries and privileges that not all people have.  We have clothes, homes, Health, friends, families, food, showers, toilets, stoves, the beautiful and nurturing universe, technology and the list goes on and on and on and on. We need to tap more into our bountifulness rather than what we lack. Because if you really look at it, we lack nothing in this moment. The universe if uniquely set up in that those who are grateful will be lavished with even more. Have you ever seen a complainer get all things? Do you even like to be around someone who complains all of the time? Me either! There is a reason for that! A person who does not acknowledge their abundance is nearsighted. Period. Live rich today! Be grateful today. My favorite saying is “Mommy Universe I am content” and “God the Father I am content.”





Bloom where you are!